Student Support
Tutorial System
This is one of the strongest features of Drama Studio London. Each student is assigned a personal tutor who will work with them right up to graduation.
The personal tutor has three responsibilities:
- To support the student throughout the course and be their advocate at staff meetings.
- To give feedback after a performance and relate the thoughts of teaching specialists.
- To have a pastoral role.
Every student’s progress is reviewed by the Head of School, the relevant Director of Year, the Heads of Department, the recent director and the tutor at least twice a term. Immediately after these staff meetings, the tutors meet each of their group in a one to one session.
There are also regular one to one tutorial sessions with the specialist Department Heads of Voice, Movement and Media, as well as termly meetings with the Director of Year and the Head of School.
Feedback is honest and encouraging; and frequent and there is a constant correlation between performance and class work. How a student works is as important as the end result.
Despite these numerous tutorials and coaching sessions, we never lose sight of the student’s own responsibility. A strong work ethic is encouraged from the very beginning.
We are committed to creating an environment that is safe physically, emotionally and psychologically. There are always opportunities for students to discuss concerns with senior staff, as well as their tutor. DSL has a number of trained Mental Health First Aiders (trained by Mental Health First Aid England) who can be approached at any time.
Safeguarding is a two-way responsibility. A student who has concerns regarding Safeguarding, Diversity or Equality has a responsibility to bring this up with any senior member of staff with whom they feel comfortable.
Additional Support
Students also have access to the UWL Wellbeing Team via the Student Hub for additional support and counselling.